Managing Positions and Shift Templates for Your Schedule Follow
Easily manage positions and shift templates in the Scheduling Settings, where you can view, edit, add, and archive both positions and shift templates. This article is designed for administrators and supervisors who need to efficiently organize and adjust scheduling needs to meet their workflow demands. With the ability to customize scheduling settings and make real-time adjustments, you can ensure that staffing aligns with your operational needs.
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In this article:
- Filter & search for data
- Add positions
- Edit positions
- Assign and un-assign people from positions
- Archive and unarchive positions
- Add shift templates
- Edit shift templates
- Archive and unarchive shift templates
Accessing the Settings Page
The Scheduling Settings are not available until the Scheduling feature has been enabled and the Scheduling Setup Wizard has been completed by an account administrator.
To locate the scheduling settings:
- Log in to the uAttend cloud portal as an account administrator or supervisor with the necessary permissions.
- Navigate to the Scheduling tab.
- Click on the Settings sub-tab in the top-left of the page.
After navigating to the Scheduling Settings page, you will see a list of positions including the name, color, number of assigned employees, and the number of shift templates for that position. You have the option to view all positions, both active and archived. The positions are listed alphabetically by name making navigation straightforward.
Filter and Search
Use the filter and search functions to easily locate specific positions. You can filter positions by status using the first dropdown menu, sorting your positions by Active (the default view), Archived, or All. Archived positions will appear differently from active positions as they are greyed out. You can also filter the positions by the active employee(s) that are assigned to specific positions using the second dropdown menu. Select All (the default view), or choose individual employees, selecting one or multiple, to pull up the positions to which those specific employees have been assigned. The search function allows you to enter a positions name, or even a portion of it, to find all applicable positions.
Add Positions and Shift Templates from the Settings Page
From the Scheduling Settings page, you can add new positions and shift templates to accommodate changes in staffing or organizational needs. Simply click the + Add button, select Position or Shift Template, and add the required information.
When adding a new position, administrators will be able to view all employees on the account while supervisors will only see employees in their responsible departments. The added positions and shift templates are able to be used by any administrator or supervisor in the account.
This streamlined process allows you to create a reusable framework for shifts that can be assigned to one or more employees, ensuring adequate staffing for specific time slots and positions.
Position and Shift Template Detail Page
Clicking on a position in the Scheduling Settings page will take you to the Position and Shift Template Detail page, which includes:
- The position's name, color assigned, and status (Active or Archived).
- The number of employees assigned to the position and a list of their names.
- A list of shifts associated with the position.
Archiving or editing a position or shift does not affect schedules that have already been created, whether they are published or in draft status.
Editing Positions
You can update the position name or color by clicking on the respective property at the top of the page.
Easily update which employees are assigned to the position in the Assigned Employees section of the page with just a click. Locate the names of any employees you want to assign to the position from the right column of Unassigned Employees, utilizing the search function as needed, and click on the employee's name to assign them to the position. Similarly, click the name of the employee to remove them. While administrators can assign or remove any active employee to or from any position, supervisors are limited to employees within their respective departments.
Archiving and Unarchiving Positions
Set the position to Active or Archived by toggling the Active status. Archiving a position will also archive any attached shift templates. Unarchiving a position unarchives all attached shift templates and updates all future schedules to include shifts from associated unarchived templates.
Shift Templates
Within the Position and Shift Template Details page, you can view and edit all shift templates associated with a position. Shift templates are listed alphabetically by name and display information such as:
- the template name
- the start and end times
- the numbers of employees needed per shift per weekday.
Filtering Shift Templates
The Shift Template filter options help you manage and view shift templates more effectively.
You can filter shift templates by status using the first dropdown menu, selecting All, Active, or Archived. Additionally, you can filter shifts by the days they fall on. For instance, if you only want to see shifts for Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, you can select these days from the dropdown menu, and only shifts templates with required employees for those days will be displayed. The filters are based on whether one or more employees are needed for a shift, ensuring you only see relevant shift templates.
Managing Shift Templates
You can edit current shift templates by clicking the Edit icon or add new shift templates by clicking the + Add Shift Template button. For each new shift template, you will need to:
- select the Position the shift will be assigned to.
- create a name for the shift.
- set the start and end time.
- enter the number of employees needed for the shift and position per weekday.
When editing shift templates, you will be able to edit any and all details other than the Position the shift is assigned to.
Archiving and Unarchiving Shift Templates
To archive a shift template, simply click the Archive icon and confirm by selecting Archive. Archiving a shift template makes no changes to schedules already created, whether in published or draft status.
Archived shifts will appear grayed out when viewing All or Archived shift templates. You can unarchive a shift template by clicking the Unarchive icon and confirming the action. Unarchiving a shift template makes no changes to any published or current draft schedules. Unarchiving a shift template will update all future schedules to include shifts from the template.
By following these guidelines, you can manage your positions and shifts to adapt to your team's dynamic scheduling needs, ensuring smooth operations and optimized staffing.