Edit Shift Alarms at the account level Follow
Do you need to equip your supervisors with a better way to manage late arrivals or early outs? Then check this article out for the steps to set up Shift Alarms. This is a great feature to monitor punctuality and tardiness, but it will not flag absences on a day where no punches occurred. Shift Alarms are easily enabled with the Shifts feature.
- Only the account administrator(s) can access the Settings tab.
- Refunds are not granted for "unused" features, devices, users, or services. See the End User License Agreement.
- Additional fees apply for the use of uText notifications.
- The email addresses/phone numbers used must be unique.
- Deviant punches can also be viewed on the Shift Exception report.
To configure shift alarms for your account:
- Log in to the uAttend cloud portal with an administrator profile.
- Click on the Settings tab.
- Click the Shifts tab.
- Click the name of the intended Shift to edit.
- Click on the Alarms tab.
- Click the drop-down menu for Early In and select an option (1-60 minutes) from the list.
- Click the drop-down menu for Late In and select an option (1-60 minutes) from the list.
- Click the drop-down menu for Early Out and select an option (1-60 minutes) from the list.
- Click the drop-down menu for Late Out and select an option (1-60 minutes) from the list.
- Enter the email address(es) and/or mobile phone number, along with a timeframe to mute (if applicable) for these alarm notifications.
- Check the boxes to enable the Missing Break Punch and/or Missing Lunch Punch alarms.
- Enter the email address(es) and/or mobile phone number, along with a timeframe to mute (if applicable) for these alarm notifications.
- Click the SAVE AND CLOSE button.