Adding and Editing Jobs and Job Details Follow
Sometimes a job isn’t simple and there can be a lot of moving parts and lot of teams or individuals coming together to achieve a goal. This is where you want the ability to spec out and assign the various aspects of a greater job to the individuals that will carry them out. The uAttend system makes it easy for your employees to start and end their job details and can serve you a thorough report of the entire job!
- Only the account administrator(s) can access the Settings tab.
To add or edit jobs and or job details for your account:
- Log in to the uAttend cloud portal with an administrator profile.
- Click on the Settings tab.
- Click the Job Tracking tab.
- Click the Add/Edit Jobs button in the Jobs section.
- Click the VIEW/EDIT button on the line for an existing job to edit it.
- Click the ARCHIVE button on the line for an existing job to archive it. Click the ARCHIVED JOBS button to display archived jobs on your account (with a button to UNARCHIVE the jobs).
- Click the ADD JOB button.
- Enter the intended Job Number.
- Enter the intended Job Name.
- Enter the intended Job Description.
- Click the box(es) to select/deselect the intended department(s) and/or employee(s) for this job.
- Click one of the SAVE button options (listed below).
- Save and Next
- Save and Close