5 - Edit your minute format Follow
When getting started with your uAttend account setup, you will need to select a minute format. The minute format will affect the way the hourly totals appear on your timecards and your reports.
Please note that employee punch times will always display with the HH:MM format. The Minute Format setting will affect totals and reports.
The Standard format (:01-:59) will display hours in an HH:MM format. We can read a total of 5:59 as five hours and fifty-nine minutes, however this does not easily convert when adding totals. If you were to add even ten minutes to this time, 00:10, you would need to covert from hours to decimals. Otherwise, you would end up with an incorrect total: 5:69. Five hours and sixty-nine minutes will not add correctly if you attempt to calculate hourly wages. In this case, converting to decimal would save potential errors.
The Hundredths format (.00-.99) and tenths format (.0-.9) are able to be added without additional conversions. For example, an hour and a half, or 1.50 in hundredths format, added to another hour and a half would be as follows:
1.50+1.50 = 3.00
This makes adding totals straightforward. While uAttend will add the totals for you, regardless of the Minute Format you choose, we understand administrators, supervisors, and even employees may want to doublecheck the totals. When choosing a minute format, you will want to consider the needs of your team as well as the format of the reports.
Minute to Decimal Conversion Chart
Here is a chart that lists the conversion of minutes to hundredths format. You'll notice that many hundredths do not have a direct minute conversion. There are 59 minutes that will convert into 99 hundredth spaces so an insignificant amount of rounding does occur.
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