6 - Completing the add department wizard Follow
As you continue to set up your uAttend account, you may realize that your employees will need to be separated into individual departments, with different rules. The department's section of uAttend lets you accomplish this with ease.
We will go over General, Overtime, and Advanced options in this article.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The punch rounding rules set at the department level will apply to all punches, including breaks and lunches. If this is not appropriate for your organization, you may wish to disable this feature. It is your responsibility to comply with all applicable local, state, and federal regulations.
After clicking Add Department, a pop-up with the department options will appear on the display. This is where the primary rules for your department are set up.
- Code is what appears on the employees’ timecards. This can be the department name, an abbreviation, or a number.
- Department Name is what you will see on the uAttend portal, on the Departments tab.
- Punch Rounding will let you round punches to the nearest break point.
Employees punch for breaks? is used when your employees punch in/out for break times. Selecting on will give you the options below.
- Add up to will pay for a part or all of the employees’ break. For example, if the employee takes a 15-minute break, but they are only to be paid for 10 minutes of it, put 00:10 in the field here. 5 minutes of time would be deducted from the employee’s timecard.
Break Lockout requires employees to take a specified amount of time on their break.
- If you select On, the option Break Lockout Duration appears. This is where you would specify how many minutes an employee should take. You can enter the time in the example above as 00:10.
- Enabling the break lockout will prevent the employee from punching in before the entire time has elapsed.
Employees punch for Lunch? is used to enable lunch punch options for the employees. Selecting Yes presents the following options and hides Lunch Deduction Duration. This option is used for employees that are going to punch in/out for lunch.
- Add up to, as above, is for entering a time here to pay for part of the employees' lunchtime. Time is also entered in the format 00:10
Lunch Lockout is used to require the employees to take a specified amount of time for their lunch. The system will prevent them from clocking back in before the time has elapsed.
- Lunch Lockout Duration is where you will specify how long the employees need to take for lunch. This shows when On is selected for Lunch lockout.
- Deduct Time From Timecard is to specify whether the time spent on the lunch will be deducted from the regular time worked. If left set to No, no time will be deducted.
- Lunch Deduction Duration is an automatic lunch deduction for the employees that are not going to punch out for lunch. This is typically used for field employees who are not near a time clock for their meal time.
- uAttend complies with U.S. Federal Labor Laws regarding overtime. Federal overtime rules are an excellent resource to look at to view the current rules. In addition, you will also want to research the local or state labor laws as those may have additional rules you need to follow. The uAttend Customer Service team is not equipped to advise on what rules should be set for your company.
Weekly/Bi-weekly Overtime allows you to set the total number of hours that need to be worked in one work week, or two work weeks before an employee qualifies for overtime. Once a selection is made, you will get the following options.
- Daily Overtime 1 - How many hours must elapse before the employee gets 1.5x time
- Daily Overtime 2 - How many hours must elapse before the employee gets 2x time
7th day overtime - Overtime for working 7 consecutive days in a work week
- To qualify for this, an employee must work the entire work week. For example, if the work week is set to start on Monday, they must work Monday to Sunday. Working from Sunday to Saturday would span 2 work weeks, and would not qualify
Saturday Overtime - Overtime applied for any hours worked on Saturdays
- Setting to on gives you the option of counting this time as overtime 1 (1.5x) or overtime 2 (2x)
Sunday Overtime - Overtime applied for any hours worked on Sundays
- Setting to on gives you the option of counting this time as overtime 1 (1.5x) or overtime 2 (2x)
- Day Changes At - This is the time the system will switch to the next day on the timecard. Punches made after this time will show on the following day.
- Maximum Shift - Maximum number of hours an employee can work in a shift. Going over this amount will prompt the employee to punch in again rather than punch out.
- New Shift Starts - This is the number of hours that must elapse before an employee is able to punch in again.
- Night Shift? - This setting allows employees to cross the Day Change Time threshold. For example, if you have an employee working overnight, they can punch in on one day, and punch out on the next. Not setting this for an overnight department would cause a missed punch to show on the employees’ timecards.
Click here to learn about user profile types in uAttend.