Edit Multiple Profiles Using the Bulk Edit Feature Follow
The bulk edit feature on the People dashboard makes it easy to mange the profile fields for your entire team from one easy to use spreadsheet style editor.
- You can edit the status of your users individually or in bulk from this page.
- Supervisors can be configured with permissions to view and/or edit employees. Their responsibility can also be limited to certain departments, thereby limiting which employee profiles they can access.
- The use of any biometric features will require acknowledging the biometric data disclosure.
- Biometric data will be purged for employees set to inactive status. Use the temporarily inactive status to preserve biometric data for employees who will be returning to active status in the future.
To bulk edit people profiles:
- Log in to the uAttend cloud portal with an administrator or supervisor (with permissions) profile.
- Click on the People tab.
- Check/uncheck the box(es) to select the intended person(s) and click the BULK EDIT PEOPLE button to edit the profile fields for the selected person(s).
- Click one of the number displayed options (if applicable) toward the lower-left corner of the page to display more or fewer people on each page.
- Click the navigation arrows or page options (if applicable) toward the lower-right corner of the page to move through pages or go to a specific page on your list of people.
- Click in a cell to edit a field for a person's profile.
- Use the ENTER key (on your keyboard) to confirm your input.
- Use the ARROW keys (on your keyboard) to move around to other cells on the spreadsheet.
- After you have edited all the intended profile fields, click the SAVE or SAVE & EXIT button.