Pay Period Report Follow
The Pay Period report displays a breakdown of employee totals for a given pay period by pay code. This report provides a high-level view of hours by each department (or all departments) or by employee and is useful for exporting employee time data into your payroll provider.
- The date ranges for this report mirror your established pay period.
- This report can only display gross pay data for employees you have entered an hourly rate for.
- All reports will export in a .CSV format by default. The export format for this report can be selected from one of the custom export options.
- Use the print option and select the Print to PDF option (if available on your device) in the print dialogue.
- Supervisors will only see data from their responsible departments on reports.
- If you have changed your account settings or added missing punches, vacation time, holidays, or sick time to an employee's timecard, and these changes are not reflected in your report, you may need to recalculate your timecard.
To run a pay period report:
- Log in to the uAttend cloud portal with an administrator or supervisor (with permissions) profile.
- Click on the Reports tab.
- Click the Pay Period Report option from the list.
- By default, all departments will be selected. Check/uncheck the boxes to select/deselect the intended departments.
- Click the RUN REPORT button toward the upper right corner of the window.
- By default, the report will list hours by department. Click the LIST HOURS BY EMPLOYEE button to modify the report to this alternate display option.
- Click the Arrows around the date range to view the report data from different pay periods.
- Click the drop-down menu for the Employee Type option to select the status (listed below) of employees to be displayed on the report and then click the Search All button to display the results.
- Active
- Archived
- Both
- By default, the report will display the total hours. If you have already entered hourly rates for your employees, you can click the GROSS PAY button to modify the report to this alternate display option.
- By default, the report will display the data for all departments/employees selected before running the report. You can click the Arrows around the displayed report number to view the data for individual departments/employees.
- To print, email, or export this report, click the corresponding PRINT, EMAIL, or EXPORT button toward the upper right corner of the report.